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What They Are Saying About The Luvcoach Bruce Starr Show

Hi Bruce,


I finally made it a point to listen to your show tonight. I had to call in when you mentioned "men" because I so agree with you. I've always been very focused on serving women in my practice. However lately there have been more and more men attending my speaking engagements and to my surprise they often are the first to approach me at the end of presentation & ask about coaching. I have found that men really open up and grow very quickly in a coaching relationship.


I just wanted to affirm that on your show tonight in the hopes that any men listening would entertain the thought of coaching.

Great show Bruce...what a wonderful way to serve your listeners!




Deborah Paiva, BCC

Board Certified Holistic Life Coach, Speaker & Author


I am streaming your show from a cruise ship in Glacier National Park in Alaska! Cool!



Just really great show...and you sound great!

Nancy W. 


Good Evening Bruce,

It was a real pleasure to get to call in and speak to both you and Marla tonight.

The ideas you both shared about "doing things you enjoy, loving your life"  and "volunteering"  all really make sense.

I'm very fortunate to have a lot of interests ranging from teaching yoga to business and being a nurse.

When I lived in Chicago I was always involved in children's charities and Habitat and I will reach out to volunteer for Habitat

here next week.


Looking forward to seeing you and your team at Rocco's on Wednesday night.

I'll be sure to report back on volunteering opportunities.

Thank you again🙏





Loved the show! Callers were so much fun. You rock!


Marla Martenson

Thanks, Bruce; enjoyed it! And you're very good at it! May you continue until there's peace in the Middle East. (that means forever).

Mark Miller. Los Angeles based comedian and author


Hi Bruce...I did get to listen to was were good...and handled the situation for MIA speaker very well.

Your sister

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